Delivering western Victoria a stronger, safer, and more resilient power network.
To continue to strengthen and secure the electricity network in response to more frequent extreme weather, Powercor continuously runs a comprehensive program of power pole inspections, reinforcements, and replacements.
Powercor, will roll out a program to replace or reinforce 7,000 power poles per year, marking a 65% increase and a significant shift in how network safety is proactively managed.
The planning for the program is informed by a leading-edge asset management approach and which tailors inspection and maintenance activities for each of more than 356,000 wooden power poles. This takes into consideration factors including the type of wood, their age, and prevailing weather conditions at their location.
Minimising disruptions
The program will roll out across all Powercor regions over the next 5 years based coordinated with other regional asset maintenance activities. Where possible multiple jobs will be bundled together.
Customers will be notified in advance of any works which may impact them, advising if and when power outages are to occur.
In areas where works are taking place there may be temporary changes in traffic conditions and heavy vehicles transporting large loads of new power poles.
Various locations across the wider Powercor network including Ardeer, Ballarat, Bendigo, Cobram, Colac, Echuca, Geelong, Horsham, Kyneton, Maryborough, Mildura, Shepparton & Warrnambool.